Hey all! A little over a week until Valentine’s day and our girls are excited! I mentioned a couple posts ago that we typically make actual Valentine’s Day a family affair and have a fun dinner, and Brandon buys us all a smaller gift. Some years, we get a date night to ourselves to celebrate Valentine’s Day but we also … Read More
Friday Favorites!
Hey friends! As always I’m joining a link up and sharing my favorites from the past week! Yesterday it was snowing and this girl kept getting hit with snowflakes. Snow is our favorite, because after Christmas things look so boring and cold. Pretty snow always makes the day more joyful Every year, I kind of cringe at the thought of … Read More
What’s up Wednesday
Hey friends! I’m linking up today answering these questions and sharing what’s up with us lately What we’re eating this week: All the cozy and comfort food for sure! It’s been cold in Southern Illinois. So Chicken and Noodles, Pork Chops, and a Biscuit and Gravy casserole are just a few that’s on our menu. What I’m reminiscing about: Spring break! … Read More
Book Recommendations!
Hey all, I’ve mentioned before that Ellie is a reader and loves books. But, she gets hooked on a series and then seems to not find one she likes after that. #proudmom Here’s where I need your help, please leave your best suggestions on books for 8-9 year old girls here She has read these and liked them. Let me … Read More
Friday Favorites!
Hey friends! Happy Friday! I’m joining a link up today and posting my favorites from the last week Up first, I organized the girls dresser this week because it was out of control. An organized closet and dresser are a big favorite of mine. They could careless of course
Ok, I cannot believe it has taken me six months to … Read More
Three Things Family Update
Hey friends, I thought I would share some random updates on our family today Brandon & Ashley 1. Brandon has went back to school, and getting in that routine has been rough on everyone
but we are getting a schedule down and it will get better. I should mention this was never the plan when he got his job back … Read More
Friday Favorites!
Hey friends! I’m joining a link up as like always today and sharing our favorites from the last little while. Which really is just a bunch of snow and lazy day pictures <<< ndon and Ellie went to a school event, and me and this girl decided to stay in and cozy up with popcorn and Trolls. And let me ... Read More
Friday Favorites!
Hey friends! Happy Friday! Hope you guys are having a great week. Ours has seemed forever long, with the first week of school for the year and Brandon being gone an unusual amount for different things. But we’ve made it to Friday and that’s all that counts So below is a picture of bunny. And if you see my posts … Read More